One platform to Collaborate with teams

Unique dashboard for Sharing, Tracking and Managing data, on-premises and while on the move.

For Managers - Streamline your work in a jiffy

Empowering leaders to make RIGHT decisions through real-time updates and managing workforce skilfully from anywhere at any time. View and manage activities instantly as they happen.

  • Create trackers with views & share with team.
  • Set multi-level access view levels on the go.
  • Flexible file formats - Excel, CSV or Database.
  • History and incident logging for trackers & views.

For Teams – Create updates and reports in a flick

Improve your productivity without hassles using customized views and inline editing to be an effective contributor.

  • Multiple tabs for multiple trackers & views.
  • Integration with customized emails and SSO.
  • Data Analytics, Pivoting, Dynamic filtering and more.
  • Share workspace and views with the teams.

For Business – Bridge the gap between the teams.

CEDTRACK improves coordination and collaboration between teams at various levels to sync their work for better operational efficiency.

  • SAAS and Enterprise version to suit business needs.
  • Manage users as per the work demand.
  • Comprehensive tracker with advanced features.
  • Centralized access control and single point billing.

A Lightweight platform for Heavyweight collaboration

1. Create a Table

Create from scratch or upload a file

2. Share with teams

Set multi-level access and other privileges

3. Update/create views

Teams could update or share down the line

4. Stay Up-to-date

Every contribution synced with the main table


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